2 thoughts on “Van Eyck up close

  1. Brigitte Flick

    Wow!! Its better than being there because you can see sooo close up. The guards would not approve of that – of you breathing on it so close. I think it’s also great because it shows the imperfections too…..that even Van Eyck has a shaky hand at times! 🙂 It looks so perfect farther away but seeing every stroke shows how that perfection is made. I have books with the Ghent Altarpiece in it and you can only see so close. This is great. Thanks for sharing the site!

  2. Bev Byrnes Post author

    There are a few sites now (that I know of) with this kind of close-up detail. I’m thinking of adding them all to the links/resources section. So thankful for websites like these!

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